In order to simplify the analysis of the videos of Rada‘s techniques and to make us speak the same language, here is attached a simplified version of the universal picture, from the third volume of Nobleza de la Espada.
The letters presented on this universal picture will be integrated into the videos in order to facilitate analysis, commentary and help in understanding the techniques if the video is confusing.
A is the position of the Diestro at the beginning of the technique
B is the position of the opponent at the beginning of the technique.
D is the position of the left heel, and 9 is the position of the right heel of the Diestro, at the medio proporcionnal of the sword side.
It is the position of the left heel, and 10 the position of the right heel of the Diestro, at the medio proporcional of the profile side.
E, F, G and H are the medios proporcionados of the sword side.
K, L, M and N are the medios proporcionados on the profile side.
R is the position of the right heel at the end of the movimiento de conclusion.
I is the position of the left heel at the end of the movimiento de conclusion.